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Radio Broadcasters Receive FEMA Training

The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) hosted its 8th Annual Tribal Nations Training Week from March 11 to 18, 2023, in Anniston, Alabama. The 2023 cohort is the second group trained by FEMA in partnership with Native Public Media. Five Native American radio broadcasters from KUYI, KOHN, and KCNP benefitted from this training.

The Managing Public Information for All Hazards Incidents (MPI) course covered the role of the Public Information Officer, emergency communication methods, interpersonal skills, and risk communication. Students also learned about legal considerations, press conferences, stress management, and strategic communication and planning. In a simulated emergency incident, students were able to plan, develop, integrate, and disseminate public information as part of a Joint Information Center.

"The trainers prepared me for the role of a PIO and cybersecurity. The intense training gave us guidance and instructions on effectively communicating through the media and preventing cyber-attacks at home and work," said trainee Gaileen Keams.

The Understanding Targeted Cyber Attacks course provided students with valuable information on prevention, mitigation, and response. The course focused on the targeted cyber-attack phases and the attacker methods used during each phase.

"The CDP training allowed Native American radio broadcasters to train with experienced professional responders, emergency management officials, and FEMA's Tribal Affairs Advocates. This allows our trainees to learn from these individuals' professional experience and their knowledge of disaster preparedness and response," stated Kyler Edsitty, who helped to coordinate the training from Native Public Media. "As the world changes, our Tribal communities need to be prepared to inform and mitigate any disasters that come, and training like this helps."

The CDP has been providing training for emergency responders since its establishment in 1998. Its mission is to provide quality training to prepare and protect emergency responders and the public they serve. The CDP training was entirely funded for state, local, tribal, and territorial emergency responders. With its annual Tribal Nations Training Week, the CDP hopes to provide additional support to tribal nations in their emergency preparedness efforts.




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